Use "archaise|archaised|archaises|archaising" in a sentence

1. Present participle of archaise; Examples: “On this view, the pagan references would be a sort of decorative Archaising

2. I had been Archaising you had been Archaising he/she/it had been Archaising we had been Archaising you had been Archaising they had been Archaising

3. Archaising synonyms, Archaising pronunciation, Archaising translation, English dictionary definition of Archaising

4. I had been Archaising you had been Archaising he/she/it had been Archaising we had been Archaising you had been Archaising they had been Archaising

5. Words created with Archaising, words starting with Archaising, words start Archaising

6. Archaising Today’s Modern Arts

7. Archaising - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Archaising and much more

8. Archaising Today’s Modern Arts

9. 50 AD) and a late Archaising fiction

10. Archaising is playable in: Words With Friends 18

11. Paul Kingsnorth’s The Wake took the Archaising principle to an unmatchable extreme

12. Geri still Archaising hitchily while genetic Gregor clinkers that unlimitedness

13. This type of Archaising bearded herm is a copy of the famous Hermes Propylaios of Alkamenes

14. The word Archaising uses 10 letters: a, a, c, g, h, i, i, n, r, s

15. This statue, recently put together from two fragments, is an excellent example of the Archaising statuary of the Saite Period.

16. Constructing a Legendary Past: Possible Archaising Elements in the Funerary Landscape of Late Bronze Age Mycenae 261 Bryan E

17. However, it is written in Archaising English with 'thee' and 'thou' to distinguish Greek and Latin second person singular from plural

18. This thesis explores the Archaising tendencies used in the art and architecture and aims to understand why such techniques were used

19. Also note that I don’t think Tolkien is more Archaising than many other fantasy stories or fairytale-like tales—but comparing his writing style to your average 1914 version of Harry Potter, whatever that may have been, it should be clear that Tolkien’s is the more Archaising.)

20. Conflicting notions of language purity: the interplay of Archaising, ethnographic, reformist, elitist and xenophobic purism in the perception of Standard Chinese

21. Post your Archaising coins of any emperor, coins with trees, coins of Vespasian or anything else you find interesting or entertaining

22. From Old French faerie; re-introduced into English in deliberately Archaising spelling in 1590 by Edmund Spenser in authoring the Faerie Queene.

23. ‘That lyricism - even romanticism - reassert themselves in Writing to Vermeer might be deduced from the prevalence of markings like ‘tranquillo’ and ‘dolce’ in the score, and the Archaising

24. For example, the term Archaising is appropriate for the 25 th and 26 th dynasties, which take inspiration from the pinnacles of Egyptian craftsmanship (the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom).

25. The eclectic mix of material in this volume takes us from New Kingdom artists in the Theban foothills to Old Kingdom Abusir, and from changing ideas about literary texts to the visual effects of Archaising statuary

26. Archaising sculptures of the 25th and 26th Dynasties are sometimes such successful imitations of earlier works that dating would be difficult were it not for the inscriptions, which provide essential clues

27. The statue bears several Archaising indications, such as the round striated wig with a central lock of hair, indicating the vizier's membership of the priesthood of Ptah, and the heart amulet on his chest

28. In archaic/Archaising texts, we cannot rely on much else than context, because the redaction history allows for hypercorrections in either direction (thus we should also suspect 2fs forms which could in context be 1cs).

29. Based on an Archaising composition, still in keeping with the forms of Late Mannerism, the artists create a narrative of high devotional efficacy combining rich and luminous colours with an emotive technique familiar to the viewers of the time.

30. Archaising purism: attempt to resuscitate the linguistic material of a past golden age, an exaggerated respect for past literary models, an excessive conservatism towards innovations or a recognition of the importance of literary tradition

31. The recasting of such contemporary material into a fictional form was in a simple sense a Lucianic move, but Lucian's True History had not engaged with contemporary natural philosophy, preferring a tone of Archaising, literary irony

32. The most difficult aspect of translating it is to try to phrase the poem in an English that is neither stilted nor Archaising, whilst accepting that it is ancient poetry and often written in the heightened register of, as in the piece above, Archaic ritual contexts